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Enhance Your Book with a CD Inside

A book with a related CD included can be a valuable enhancement to readers. The reader benefits provided by the enhanced mixed-media book exceeds the higher retail price required to cover the cost of producing the CD and affixing it to the book in a tamper-proof Mylar sleeve.


describe the imageThere are many ways a CD can enhance a printed book. Poets can give voice to their poems by including a CD with a selection of poetry – hearing the poet’s inflections brings a new meaning to their words. Books with references to data bases of contact information, worksheets, and PDF forms could include a CD filled with a variety of different kinds of computer-friendly and printer-ready files.


Novelists could include a CD with an array of photographs, which may enhance the reader’s visualization of the plot and help set the scene in the reader’s mind. Historical novelists could show the dress of the period, military uniforms and weapons of the era – once-dry history can now come alive with the digital sparkles of a slide show.


An author can even have their book converted to an ebook and put on a CD. These are just a few examples of how additional information can be recorded on a CD that will ultimately increase the value of your printed book.


Photo by: jimmiehomeschoolmom

Source: http://blog.infinitypublishing.com/bloginfinitypublishingcom/bid/49687/Enhance-Your-Book-with-a-CD-Inside